Model NO.: GN8320ZC2B
2500KW main engine(GN8320ZC2B)
1)Type: In-line, 4-strokes, inter cooled, exhaust turbo-charging, non-reversible marine diesel
No. Of cylinders: 8
Bore/stroke: 320/380mm
Rated power: 2500kW
Rated rotate speed: 600r/min
Specific F. Q. Consumption: 198-200g/kW. H+3%
Specific L. Q. Consumption. 0.8g/kW. H
Starting method: Compressed air
Direction of rotation: Clock wise
Auxiliary equipment
1) Height flexible coupling HGT6320
2)Reduction gearbox MG52.59 2.5: 1
Type concentric, same direction speed reduction gearbox Ratio=2.5: 1
Direction of rotation. Clock wise
3)The crankcase oil mist alarm
4)Main engine rok-control equipment CDQY-1
Exhaust boiler LYF0.5/70-0.7
Fuel oil Exhaust 0.7Mpa
Steam pres. 0.7Mpa
5) Gas mixed stream boiler Steam quantity: 800kg/h (500kg/h)
Capacity. 2.4m3/h
Press. Head: 105m WC
Motor power 3Kw
6)M/E F. O. Supply unit KHVU-C-1.2E-C Steam pres. 0.7Mpa
CRGD1.1C-WX 3500s
Inlet oil viscosity. 3500s
Outlet oil viscosity10-14cst
Capacity: 1.61m3/h
Supp. Oil pressure. 0.6Mpa
Volt. 380V
Frequency. 50Hz
7)F. O. Purifier unit KYDH204SD-23 Discharge method
SJ10G/GH 1300L/H
Output pressure Pressure. 0.2Mpa
Capacity. 1325m3/h
Power. 3Kw
Volt. 380V
Frequency. 50Hz
8)LO purifier unit KYDR203CD-23 Discharge method.
Output pressure KYDH203RD-23 Pressure. 0.2Mpa
Capacity. 1225m3/h
Power. 2.2Kw
50Hz Frequency. 50Hz